In Ayurveda, the foundation for good health is maintaining balance in the body and mind and living in tune with one’s unique mind-body constitution. Learn how your lifestyle choices impact your overall physical and mental health. I teach how to refine your lifestyle and make subtle shifts that reap big rewards in living a healthy life. Learn to work with your unique biorhythm and constitution to support your health and wellness endeavors.
A Sattvic Lifestyle.
A Sattvic lifestyle leaves you feeling balanced, energetic, and attuned to your primal nature and passions with a clear, content mind. We can create small habits that make a balance for our unique mind-body constitution or dosha. There are three dosha types; Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Healthy habits and patterns build into more extensive lifestyle changes that better our health and vitality.
Create a framework of a regular routine to remain stable and grounded
Get to bed before 10 PM (Vata time is 2- 6 AM/PM)
Consider the use of Triphala - it contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds and aids elimination
Practice Meditation and Pranayama
Try Abhyanga (oil massage)
Moderate exercise
Vata dominates in Winter
Don’t take yourself too seriously; let it be easy
Enjoy exercise but avoid getting over-heated or too competitive.
Get to bed before 10 PM (Pitta Time 10- 2 AM/PM)
Take time out to eat a healthy lunch with attention on your food
Favor cool, but not ice-cold, beverages
Practice guided Mediation and pranayama exercises
Pitta dominates in Summer
Kapha needs lots of physical activity to counter-act the tendency toward sluggishness.
Kapha must invigorate body and mind
Kapha should awaken before 6 AM and take their main meal at noon. (Kapha Time 6-10 AM/PM)
Kapha dominates in Spring